East Parade shelters report


Bexhill Heritage provided a ‘preliminary condition and recommended restoration survey report’ in November 2017 to Rother District Council, this triggered an RDC brief for a professional survey in preparation for a specialist restoration tender. RDC officers have subsequently been proactive on the matter, and a well-known heritage architect has been engaged to write a report.

Together with Bexhill Museum, we are closely monitoring this community led project as a primary concern and will actively support a funding application if it is considered.

Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Monday 23 April 2018
“AgendaProject B – East Parade Heritage Project: repair, restoration and conservation of the four, Grade II listed seafront shelters, along with a community heritage project to create Heritage Trails, both digital and physical interpretation. This will be delivered through working with community groups including Bexhill Museum and the recently formed Bexhill Heritage group. An invitation to tender for a condition survey and repair and maintenance specification has been issued to architects and surveyors, and officers expect to appoint a practice very shortly. Once the extent of the repair and restoration works and their associated costs are known, officers will seek out the most appropriate funding in order to deliver this community-based heritage project.”

Heritage significance

Going from west to east, the first shelter is a converted and altered bandstand from 1896. The second existing shelter is from 1898, also modified but most authentic with original fretted ironwork supports. Between these two, opposite Carlton Court, was a third round shelter sadly demolished in the 1940’s. Furthest east two rectangular 1925 shelters sit relatively intact and unmodified.

All are Grade II Listed and currently in an advancing state of disrepair.

Main image: CC0 Alexis Markwick
Gallery image (1-3): CC BY-SA 2.0 Terry Head
Gallery image (4): © Bexhill Photography For Wellbeing
Gallery image (5): © Bexhill Museum, 1910
Gallery image (6): © Britain From Above, 1926